Hi Allan, I will take u up on our offer on ideas and info. We are planning a trip w 3 boats to God’s Pocket 3rd week of August. Do you know it and have any info?
I also have some connections at Telegraph Cove and am looking for info on paddling Robson Bite and Johnstone Straight. What are your thoughts on tide and wind issues and best access for more info? I have been told there is camping at Boat Bay on Cracroft Island and Kailash (sp) Beach but neither of those show up on free map apps. I’m looking for people to paddle those areas with in earlier August. I have just rejoined SKA BC after a lapse of a few years.
I’m fit, can easily swim an open water mile. I have ww canoe and kayak paddling experience (several years with the Beaver Canoe Club and their adventures), also around BC, Washington, Oregon and Idaho but that was 6yrs ago. I do not have a sea kayak roll – at 65 I get very disoriented under water these days.
I’ve been to Broken Group twice, Bowron many times in kayak and canoe, and took the Thormonby SKABC weather course with I forget his name. I have taken a ww river rescue course once and w a refresher.
I would gladly join a group paddling in another area than mentioned above if it was the right fit. I just bought a new Seaward boat and am looking forward to having some fun.
Thanks so much for your ideas!