Hi Craig,
I can’t take the summer off but I would be willing to do a stretch of it with you if we could make it work. I have paddled all of the outer coast (in several trips), from Klemtu to Tofino and the only thing that has prevented me from doing longer trips and going further north is the trouble with finding paddling partners. I was trying to put together together another trip to the Klemtu area for this summer but have so far I have had no takers.
Here is the thing.. I am in my sixties now and I suspect you’re a whole lot younger than me. I am by no means decrepit but I am not willing or perhaps not able to do 20 miles day after day, if that is what you’re planning. What I would propose is that if you would be interested, we can meet, I can bring my charts with all of the goodies of info marked on them and if there is a section of your journey where you can use some company, perhaps I can join you. At the very least I would be happy to pass on to you my knowledge of the places I’ve been. If you do want paddling partners even if they are a bit long in the tooth, I wouldn’t mind going from Bella Bella to Port Hardy down the outside a second time or along section in the north. I haven’t been along the outer coast of Aristasibal, for instance.