February 22, 2016 at 2:56 pm
Roxanne Rousseau
Dear All,
Due to conflicts with volunteerism (exec meeting on the 23rd of Feb) and conflicts with a proposed date on the 24th of Feb for most people, we will have to reschedule our conservation social meet up for March 22, 2016. I do realize that this is during the Spring Break but I wanted to keep to the third Tuesday of each month.
This will give me time as well to pull together some topics for the next time we see each other. Some good news is that the Howe Sound trip is coming together for June 15th. I have also received a lot of information regarding Leave No Trace Camping and hope to bring up the topic at the next executive meeting. Finally could we plan a day trip and perhaps look at some measures of garbage documentation and or pickup – Jonathon could we have some ideas?
Do let me know if you can commit to the 22nd of March 2016 at 7pm at Zawa’s.
Best wishes,