Sending an email through Sendinblue

Updated February 2023

Emails to club members can be sent through Sendinblue. Contact the webmaster to request access. The Sendinblue recipient list needs to be periodically "synced" by the webmaster so new members are added.

Note that another option is to post your message in the General Discussion forum. Members are subscribed to this by default, so most people will receive notifications of forum posts.

Instructions for using Sendinblue:

Log into

On the Dashboard, click "Create a Campaign"

Select "Email" for type of campaign

Use default "Regular" campaign and type in name such as "February News Update" and "Create Campaign"

Fill in fields as follows:
Send to list: 2023 Members
Subject: Descriptive subject line such as "Zoom link for club meeting at 7pm Monday"

Design: click Design Email > My Templates > Club News Update Template > Use Template. (Other templates may be created and used)

Edit and delete blocks as needed. Rearrange by dragging left blue bar. Add blocks from left hand column if desired.

Action > Save


- Images: images bigger than 1MB may be slow to load in people's emails. Edit before uploading, or edit in Sendinblue.

- Any links to should be to Public pages. Users may not be logged in when they read this email.

- Limit links to outside web pages. Emails with too many commercial links may be flagged as spam. For example readers can be instructed to "Go to the BC Marine Trails website for more info" instead of putting in a link to that external website.


For newsletters, have the President and/or key Executives review for errors or omissions.

Actions > Send Test Email > type in email address > click "Send Test"

Click the x in the right corner to exit the test dialogue

Check the test email - good idea to test any links you've put in the message.

Continue editing as needed.

"Save and Quit" to return to main configuration screen


From main screen click "Schedule"

"Send Now" or choose date and time