When: May 3, 2021 from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Our first of two guest speakers is Bill Atherholt of Fishing For Plastic – he will present on the mission and overview of Fishing for Plastic’s success in BC and the Bahamas.
Fishing for Plastic works with local and global communities to reduce the impact of plastic waste on our oceans. They create events and provide education to empower local communities along the way. Their mission is to wake people up to the issue by launching community events, Fishing for Plastic competitions, and inspiring people to become involved in the process of learning more about plastic pollution and how they can do their part to bring change into their community.
Second we welcome Vanessa Isnardy of Wildsafe BC. WildSafeBC is the provincial leader in preventing conflict with wildlife through collaboration, education and community solutions. WildSafeBC evolved out of the highly successful Bear Aware program and is owned and delivered by the British Columbia Conservation Foundation. Our motto is “keeping wildlife wild and communities safe”.
Vanessa Isnardy has been part of the WildSafeBC Program team for over 5 years and has been the Provincial Coordinator since 2018. She has a BSc in Ecological Restoration and a degree in Applied Ecology with a focus on Fish and Wildlife Management.
She enjoys her time exploring the outdoors both on land and in the water and only taking photos and leaving footprints.
Vanessa will provide an overview on how to recreate safely in wildlife country and reduce our potential negative impacts when enjoying all that BC’s natural environment can offer.
Here is the Zoom link — join starting at 7:15 pm:
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Passcode: 770942
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Meeting ID: 986 0422 7840
Passcode: 770942
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