When: November 4, 2019 from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
At our Annual General Meeting we’ll elect next year’s officers and give out awards to volunteers. Following the club business, there will be a guest speaker. Click here for the Agenda and supporting documents, including Officer reports.
Guest Speaker: Photographer, wilderness guide and teacher; Chris Harris will share the beauty and significance of the Chilcotin Ark, as well as the need to protect this area of the province that stretches from the Fraser River in the Cariboo to the Coast Mountains on B.C.’s Central Coast. Chris has published books on the Bowron Lakes, Barkerville, Tweedsmuir and Cariboo Chilcotin.
Doors open at 7:00. An informal knots session with George Prevost is planned. The meeting starts at 7:30.
Light refreshments, coffee and tea are available. Members — do bring your own mug! You are also welcome to bring empty campstove fuel canisters for recycling.
1950 Windermere Street
Vancouver, BC