When: March 6, 2017 from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Guest Speaker: Rick Davies is a 30 year member of SKABC and with his wife Jaquie Bunse, co-authored “Sixty-Five Sunsets,” A West Coast Journey from Alaska to Vancouver.
Most, if not all incidents have happened before to somebody at sometime. In SKABC we have a very strong training program to keep us safe on the water. To add to this, experienced kayakers think through every possible scenario before the trip in order to vastly increase their safety margins. Rick will run an interactive session on playing the “What-if” game to anticipate and prepare for typical incidents before, during and after a kayak journey.
REMINDER: Meeting dates for 2017 are on Mondays and we have a new location. See Map.
Come at 7:00 p.m. to socialize — meeting and presentation 7:30 pm
1950 Windermere Street
Vancouver, BC