May Club Meeting – Kayak Fishing with JF Marleau

When: May 1, 2023 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Join us for a presentation by JF Marleau on kayak fishing. The technical and tactical challenges of fishing from a kayak offer real rewards for fishers. It’s also a great way to supplement food on a paddling trip. Our presenter is a pioneer of kayak fishing in Canada and developed kayak fishing courses and guided trips. He’s the author of books and training manuals and wrote the kayak fishing chapter in John’s Dowd classic book Sea Kayaking: A Manual for Long-Distance Touring.

The presentation will focus on kayak fishing sustenance on expeditions and proper kayak fishing for food and sport. We will share best techniques, best set ups, best lures and best tips to be efficient and have fun. And obviously, lots of kayak fishing stories.

The meeting will open with Jan Kretz, owner of Adventuress Sea Kayaking, an outfitting company created by a woman to help fulfill the dreams of adventurous women. Jan will present on the advantages, joys, and challenges of women-only trips and what makes the all-women trips and instruction unique. She will offer background on why she created a woman-focused outfitting company and how all-women groups create a safe and supportive environment to learn new skills and venture to new places.

Breakout rooms will follow the two presentation. Here is a Zoom link for the meeting:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 878 3408 6796
Passcode: 859679

Bio for JF Marleau: Born and raised in Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Jean-François (JF) moved to Ucluelet, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, in 2001 to work as a kayak guide and learn English. The west coast lifestyle and beauty captivated him, and he stayed. JF has taught kayaking and guiding expeditions full time around the world since 1998. Almost all the long overnight expeditions JF has guided since 2014 are in challenging class 4 waters in British Columbia, Patagonia, Antarctica and South Georgia.