June club meeting with Elizabeth Purdon – 7:30

When: June 3, 2024 from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

We welcome guest speaker Elizabeth Purdon who will be speaking about her 14 trips to Baja. As always the public is welcome to join in. Breakout rooms with opportunity to socialize will be available at the end of the meeting. A Zoom link is below.

Elizabeth Purdon is a retired family physician from Victoria that is a confirmed Baja addict, having been on fourteen kayak trips there! She has Paddle Canada Level 4 Skills and Level 2 Instruction and is a kayak instructor with the South Island Sea Kayak Association. Her Baja trips have been mostly guided, but a few have been self-supported. During her presentation she will review when, where, why and how to go on a kayak trip in Baja.

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Passcode: 981380