Introduction to Greenland Paddling Clinic (2024) – Cancelled

When: June 5, 2024 from 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Are you looking for guidance on how best to use your Greenland paddle? This clinic will review types of Greenland paddles, paddle grip, forward stroke, stern & bow rudders, sweep strokes, blending strokes and edging. This flat water clinic will help you get the most out of your Greenland paddle.

Date: Wednesday  June 5, 2024

Time: 5:30 – 8:30 pm

Location:  Jericho Beach Kayak Centre

Meeting Point: Jerry’s Cover, east side of the rock in front of Jericho Beach Kayak

Instructors:  Mike McHolm

Coordinator:  Kallie Cunningham

Skill level:  Beginner to intermediate

Special Instructions:

If demand exceeds spaces available, we will look into organizing a 2nd clinic in  August.

Please use the comment field to let us know if you have a Greenland paddle and/or your reason for interest in this clinic. If you do not have a paddle, let us know. We may be able to provide you with one.

Cost: $25.00

Maximum: 6 participants (Minimum 3 by 9 am May 29)

Registration: Scroll down

  1300 Discovery Street
   Vancouver, BC
Signed up:

Spaces Available: 6 (Note that a negative number indicates the number of people on the waitlist)

Sign up:

By signing up I understand that per club policy I am responsible for having the skills, health, ability and equipment to participate safely in the activity. I also understand that I am responsible for notifying the organizer about any physical or mental impairment or medical condition that could interfere with my ability to participate fully in the activity and/or create a safety concern for the group.

I acknowledge that when participating in this SKABC activity it is my responsibility to inform my fellow participants if I do not wish to have images or video footage of myself or a minor family member shared on the SKABC website, in the SKABC newsletter, or on social media.

I recognize that some club members may ask that images and video footage of themselves or their minor children captured during this activity not be shared on the SKABC website, in the SKABC newsletter, or on social media and, if so, I agree to respect their wishes in this matter.


Don't see the form or payment button? Make sure you are logged in and have renewed your membership so that you can book this event.