Club meeting via Zoom

When: September 12, 2022 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

In Sepember we welcome guest speaker Sydney Dixon, Pacific Wild’s Marine Specialist who is presenting on Canada’s marine ecosystems including a virtual tour in the proposed protected area of the Great Bear Rainforest. More info is below.

Tune in any time after 7pm for breakout rooms. The main presentation starts at 7:30 pm. Public and members from other clubs are welcome! Here’s the Zoom link:

Sea Kayak Assn BC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Presentation description:
Marine protected areas (MPAs) and MPA networks play a vital role in helping to preserve Canada’s ocean and coastal ecosystems. Today, less than 14% of our oceans are protected despite the governments promise to protect 30% of Canada’s oceans by 2030. Join Pacific Wild’s Marine Specialist, Sydney Dixon, to learn about Canada’s current efforts to protect our diverse and vibrant marine ecosystems. Take a virtual tour through the proposed Northern Shelf Bioregion MPA Network in the Great Bear Rainforest, meet some of the species who call that area home and learn how you can engage in citizen science while on the water to help aid conservation efforts and research initiatives along the B.C. coast.

Speaker bio:
Sydney Dixon is a marine biologist, educator, conservationist and captain born and raised on the coast of British Columbia. Her passion for the ocean began at a young age with a fascination for tide pools and continued to grow through adolescence and into adulthood. Sydney completed a degree in marine science and geography from the University of Victoria and began her career in the marine field through environmental monitoring. She is currently pursuing an M.Sc. at the University of Victoria in acoustic biology, studying large whale species in B.C. Sydney has joined the team at Pacific Wild and is thrilled to be sharing her knowledge and passion for the marine environment with a talented team of coworkers and a diverse audience.

A Zoom link for this meeting will be posted closer to the time.