April Club Meeting

When: April 3, 2023 from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Are you prepared to manage backcountry emergencies? British Columbia offers a lot to the wilderness adventurer, but the irresistible promise of exploring a remote environment comes with unique risks. Fortunately, with some basic principles under your belt, you can keep yourself – and the people who rely on you – adventuring for years to come.

Join Cam Fenton from Coast Wilderness Medicine for an introduction to wilderness first aid with a focus on sea kayaking.

Bio: Cameron Fenton is a Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) based paramedic, guide and educator. He is a former sea kayaking guide with years of experience with human powered backcountry adventures.

Our meeting will open with Cam Dalinghaus, Stewardship Coordinator/First Nations Liaison for BC Marine Trails. Cam is a passionate paddler and Level 3 sea kayak guide with the Sea Kayak Guides Alliance of BC. Working to protect our coast comes naturally to Cam and he will inspire us with some new stewardship ideas and ways to help.

The Zoom link is below – public welcome!
Sea Kayak Assn BC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Passcode: 404317
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