Rolling Clinic

When: September 10, 2022 from 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM

We're fully booked for this event. NEW: scroll down to see if a waitlist spot is available. Note that we may be able to add space depending on interest.

Location:  Cates Park

This clinic is aimed at those who have little or no rolling training or experience or those with some experience who wish to review the fundamentals. It will include a combination of dryland and on the water training. Either a wetsuit or drysuit is required but a drysuit is preferred.

Instructors: Philip Kubik & Kevin Hall
Course Coordinator:  Chantal Ethier

Fee: $25                                  Limit: 4 participants

Refund policy:
> Cancellation within 30 calendar days or more = half the course fee refund,
> Cancellation within 29 calendar days or less = no refund.

Registration: Contact Philip, if you have any questions regarding this clinic.  Philip will not be able to respond to emails before July 11 or from August 10 to September 2.  Please contact Chantal as an alternative or if are experiencing difficulties with the registration process.  To register, complete the booking form (the questions below the heading Sign up:), click on the [Pay with Stripe Checkout] button and proceed to payment.

  Cates Park
  North Vancouver, BC
Signed up:
  • Alecia Lannan
  • Gunilla Oberg
  • Limor Friedman
  • Ken Bigelow

Spaces Available: 0

Sign up:

By signing up I understand that per club policy I am responsible for having the skills, health, ability and equipment to participate safely in the activity. I also understand that I am responsible for notifying the organizer about any physical or mental impairment or medical condition that could interfere with my ability to participate fully in the activity and/or create a safety concern for the group.

I acknowledge that when participating in this SKABC activity it is my responsibility to inform my fellow participants if I do not wish to have images or video footage of myself or a minor family member shared on the SKABC website, in the SKABC newsletter, or on social media.

I recognize that some club members may ask that images and video footage of themselves or their minor children captured during this activity not be shared on the SKABC website, in the SKABC newsletter, or on social media and, if so, I agree to respect their wishes in this matter.


Don't see the form or payment button? Make sure you are logged in and have renewed your membership so that you can book this event.