Reply To: In Person Meetings

Kevin Amos

Club meeting format. Helen Beer (from January 2023 Executive meeting minutes)

Helen proposed the following motion:
“Moved that SKABC monthly meetings be changed back to in person meetings in the new year. The timing of when the meetings will return to in person meetings will depend on current speaker online commitments and finding a meeting place.”

Helen believes that kayaking is a social activity and, with safety in mind, is better done in groups. She would like to make sure that SKABC provides many opportunities for members to mingle and socialize. In-person meetings would enhance our club by providing a space for members to chat with others, gain knowledge from experienced members, and get access to the library.
Short demos could also take place, e.g., packing a kayak for extended trips, cooking in camp, etc. or gear swaps. Most meeting attendees don’t stay for breakout rooms after virtual meetings.

There was a survey of members not long after COVID restrictions were lifted and the vast majority of respondents preferred to continue virtual club meetings, rather than to return to in-person meetings. Kevin H. thought it is better to have virtual meetings but to supplement them with additional in-person social events, e.g., in conjunction with workshops. Members are fairly widely dispersed so in-person meetings are inconvenient for many and impractical for those outside the Lower Mainland. Quirine suggested hybrid meetings, i.e., to record in-person meetings. Kevin H. said that SISKA has gone back to in-person meetings but has had difficulty with recording them. George and Kevin H. think that the acoustics at Sunrise Hall were poor so it would not be a good location even if we returned to in-p.
Motion defeated.

(Edited for clarity by admin)