Reply To: 1 Night camp Gambier Island – Sat/Sun June 24/25

Marc Spiess

Hi Nick,

There were three of us that went from Batchelor Cove to south Gambier and back. We ended up staying for the night with a skabc member who had a cabin there instead of a campground as planned…thanks again to this member who offered up her home and joined us on a couple of lovely day paddles. I’ll let them chime in if they are interested…

We were on the water so much we felt like it was much more than a normal weekend due to some side trips, I guess about 50 km total was paddled, and we crossed 6 ferry lines. Nicole’s GPS sure came in handy during a crossing from the top of Bowen over towards Horseshow Bay where she was able to calculate it was safe based on our past speed to make a larger crossing rather than cross the shortest distance from Snug Cove to Whytcliffe.

Interestingly Pam Rocks is located in a naturally windy area and was forecast for 20+ knot winds, where our route from Whitecliff to South Gambier really wasn’t exposed to this at all, and we were surprised at how light the winds were in comparison to so close by on the north side.
