Reply To: June 29 or 30 Howe Sd paddle/work

Nick Heath

Hi Reed and thks!

There are 2 sizes – big and not so big. The big ones are fairly heavy – maybe 35 kg. the others are considerably lighter.

The big ones won`t fit inside the Honda CRV.

Doing it as a campout could work well. My main concern so not knackering anyone, so I need enough help to lift them clear of the boat to the beach without dropping them in the saltchuck.

Currently I can carry 2 on the boat – a large and a small, nested, but they can’t be lifted readily like that. The smaller one has to be extracted first.

The boxes are the 48and 36versions at this bottom of this page

They go one each to Bain Ck, Tantalus Ldg, Islet View, Thornbrough Pt,  Zorro Bay, Ramillies Channel but at each site I’m not  sure where exactly to put them. RSTBC prefer them to be mounted on concrete pads, but the pumper hoses are not going to reach that far, so I am going to go with a more lightweight version on short concrete tube posts…
anyhow, the installations will likely be on different dates – job #1 is to get them out of my carport and onto each site!