Go with the flow (Southern Gulf Islands circumnavigate Valdez Island) (B3)

When: August 29, 2018 until September 1, 2018

POSTPONED until Aug 29th thru Sep 1st
Classification: B3
New date: Wednesday August 29, 2018 until September 1, 2018 (4 nights)

Circumnavigating Valdez requires navigating through Gabriola Passage and Porlier Pass. Both can have large currents, requiring knowledge or skill. We will use our knowledge to read the current tables, do the necessary calculations and paddle through at slack with a favourable turn.

Launch from Cedar and paddle past the sandstone galleries on De Courcy Island to camp on Blackberry point on Valdez. From here it is up to the group to make the decisions.

Distances will not be more than about 10nm per day.
Contact Maureen (benzon@telus.net) 778-712-1035
Please include

  1. Details of your paddling experience
  2. When you last practiced a wet exit and recovery
  3. When you attended the currents course (or relevant experience)
  4. Your assurance that you will paddle in a wet or dry suit