December Club Meeting

When: December 2, 2024 from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Join us via Zoom as we welcome guest speaker and new SKABC member Caity Milton on “The Risks and Rewards of Adventuring Solo”. A Zoom link is below. Public welcome!

Description: Venturing alone—especially into remote areas—presents unique risks and rewards. It’s not for everyone, but for those who are curious about seeking out solitude in this way should consider some key ways to stay safe (and have fun). Let’s explore them vis a vis case studies and lessons learned.

Caity Milton is based in Boulder, Colorado, and began solo adventuring in 2022 when she bikepacked the Continental Divide from New Mexico to Banff (and somehow ended-up in Tofino). Since then, she’s transferred the skills gained from that experience to other sports, including kayaking. In 2023 she paddled nine days down the Green River, in Utah, alone, and this year she spent two months solo paddling on the west and east coasts of Vancouver Island. When not out and about, she works as a consultant in the space industry, helping companies strategize anything from propulsion technology to anti-collision software to satellite-derived earth intelligence. (Her website

Topic: SKABC December Club Meeting
Time: Dec 2, 2024 07:30 PM Vancouver

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