Great tasting freeze-dried food opportunity

  • Creator
  • #15789
    Chris Dennis

    I have got to know Penny deWaal of Fatchilli Farm near Cowichan Bay and have tasted their freeze dried food which is very, very good.

    Penny and Shani, her chef husband want to expand and have a crowd-funding program in place – launched today – to bridge funding to increase their drying capacity and take their product range to the broader market like MEC and other outdoor outlets.


    For $96 contribution, you get a 40% discount on the retail price of $160. With math wizardry, this equates to $96.  You will nearly be set up for your 2019 multi-day trips with great food and knowledge you are helping local people build a solid business. Here is the link for you to explore:

    Go well over Christmas, Chris


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  • Author
  • #15791
    Bozena Zdaniuk

    I hesitate supporting another freeze dry meal company until I see an effort put towards providing meals in biodegradable or at least easily recyclable packaging. Most packaging currently on the market is made from a mixture of materials that is practically not recyclable, let alone biodegradable. Nothing on their website discusses that issue.



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